Many people want to know how to grow taller quickly whilst they are on the road to naturally increase their height. One thing that would be useful for increasing height is some methods that you can use not to make your legs look longer but actually boost their growth during puberty. This would be very helpful when it comes down to getting taller and getting yourself noticed a little more by your peers and also by the opposite sex. Want to know how to grow taller during puberty? Check out the details below.
Ways to Grow Taller During Puberty

Boosting HGH:
The pituitary gland produces Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which is essential for bone growth, body composition, and metabolism. Although some individuals take HGH supplements & injections, it must be enhanced naturally. These HGH supplements are externally inserted into the body and they may create a major hormonal imbalance in the body as well as having side effects like hyperpigmentation, headache, lethargy, nausea and so on. These must not be taken by your own decision unless you have a medical condition. Thus, make sure to consult a specialist for the usage of these supplements.
Full-Body Stretching and Exercises:
Another option to grow 2 to 6 inches in height until the age of 18 is stretching every single part of your body along with a healthy diet. You must do stretching exercises regularly and rigorously. Enhancing your spine flexibility, strengthening your spinal muscles, and extending your leg muscles all work together to keep you in good shape and help you grow taller. Committing to doing the stretches constantly and systematically will help you either way. You can set up a full-body stretching routine like one of the YouTubers.
There are also some stretching exercises that may help you to increase your height. These exercises are aimed at the two areas of the legs that are easy to stretch and lengthen out; the shin and the thighs. These areas can be stretched and lengthened during and after puberty which is a great relief for those that have passed the puberty barrier as well.
One of the exercises that you can use, which is going to target the shin is sprinting. By sprinting hard for a distance repeatedly you are putting stress on your shin bone and what this does over time is form what are called microfractures. These fractures with taking the right nutrients and having enough rest will soon heal up and come back stronger and longer, giving you the height that you desire. If you are not a sprinter, then you might be interested in cycling instead. This can be done on a stationary or a regular bike.
Instead of normally cycling around, what you want to do to help increase your height is to put the seat up a few inches (not too much though, you don’t want to be too uncomfortable and unable to control the bike) and you will want to do the same with the handlebars as well so you don’t find yourself slouched over but instead with a nice, straight back. Cycling like this is very effective at lengthening the legs. It might feel weird at first but after a while, you’ll get used to it and you’ll start to observe its benefits as well.

You can also go through other exercises; such as, jumping rope and kicking a punching bag. Going through all this will help you create micro-fractures that will heal and come back stronger and longer, adding a few more inches to your height.
Another exercise that aims at your thighs is squat. Besides, try to stay active as much as you can by fixing up a rod in your room and hanging on it whenever you have the time. Or, you may take up leisure activities; such as basketball, yoga, or swimming.
Taking the Right Nutrients:
Growth hormones can be triggered by eating a well-balanced, healthy diet that contains a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and carbohydrates. Imagine your body as a sunflower. You need sun, a shady location with good soil – a good amount of well-rotted manure or compost in order to plant and grow it. A healthy lifestyle boosts metabolism, improves blood circulation, and strengthens our bones. Therefore, you can pave the way for growing 2 to 6 inches. Foods that are rich in zinc, manganese, protein, calcium, vitamins A, C, and phosphorus should be consumed on a regular basis.
You may consider adding these nutrients into your diet that can help increase your height;
- Beans
- Almonds
- Chicken& Salmon& Beef
- Leafy greens; such as cabbage, spinach, arugula, and kale
- Dairy products; such as yogurt, milk, and cheese
- Quinoa
- Eggs
- Fruits; such as, berries, potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon, apricots and so on.
- Starches and Grains
Junk food consumption should be limited as it interferes with the absorption and digestion of these nutrients for sure!
Staying Hydrated:
Having said that, you must drink water throughout the day. Water aids the body’s function by absorbing proteins and minerals efficiently. Thus, it helps cells to work properly and increases the absorption process. These proteins and vitamins are critical for growing taller. Here comes the question: How much water should you drink a day? For adults, the general recommendation from The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is about;
- 5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women
- 5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men
Sleeping like a Sleeping Beauty:
Jokes aside, over time, not getting enough sleep may have an impact on a person’s development because growth hormone is generally released during sleep. Growth hormone is reduced when a person has too little sleep on a regular basis (known as “sleep deprivation”). Here comes another question: How much sleep do you need? Well, 7-9 hours will be sufficient per night. Don’t hibernate!
Height is determined by a variety of factors, including genetics, sex, certain medical conditions, nutrition, and exercise. It is a matter of record by everyone. The good news is that growing 2 to 6 inches is possible after the age of 18 if your growth plates are still active. With some great effort, you can achieve your desired height. The bad news is that after puberty, you won’t be able to grow any taller. In this case, doing things above will be like flogging a dead horse. Here comes the last question: How can I grow taller if it is not possible to do it naturally? The way to achieve the desired height is through having limb lengthening surgery. Apart from this, there is nothing that can give long-lasting results considering the closed growth plates. Before diving into having such surgery, make sure to do some research in order to comprehend the whole process, you can read How to Grow Taller after Puberty article, if you would like to.
The right way for you may be lengthening surgeries. Consult a specialist immediately.