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Limb Lengthening Surgery Before / After

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Limb Lengthening Surgery Before & After
Limb Lengthening Surgery Before & After
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Limb Lengthening Surgery Scars

Lon Scars
Lon Scars
Lon Scars
Lon Scars
Lon Scars
Precice 2 Scars
Precice 2 Scars
Precice 2 Scars

Patients Returning to Normal

Q&A with Our Patients


Patient Journey

Our Patients Walking During Treatments

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Limb Lengthening Surgery LON Method Patient
Limb Lengthening Surgery Precice 2 Method Patient
Patient After Limb Lengthening Surgery
Importance of Physiotherapy in Limb Lengthening
New Physiotherapy Center for Limb Lengthening Patients
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Mikael 2023-08-17 23:07:20

I am a man with 151 cm height and my wingspan is 157 from Indonesia. I have lived in the Netherlands for 6 years now, in the land of the tallest people on Earth. The reason I want to do limb lengthening surgary is that I want to be taller than my current height. I cannot endure anymore the friendly depreciation I experienced from the people I met. Some people asked about my height and asking for the reason for it, some people thought I am from Maya community. Some people looked down on me. However, my radiant smile and enthusiastic appearance and critical thinking mostly drown out their slightly negative response and look on me. My aim is to get the maximum on Femur and Tibia. Is this achievable? Will there be any long term effects on my health? Am I going to plunge into disabled man? I am sorry that I aspire strongly to be taller but also trap into the feeling of fright over my future personal stature health and the pain that it will incur on me. My plan is to do the surgery in 3 or 4 years but my age will be 36 by then. Is this age still suitable for the limb lengthening surgery? This is my decision to do the surgary that is already on the preparation since the last two years. I want to live a life taller than my current height and that will be a truly life changing that I want to own it. My general health: -I do not smoke -I do not drink alcohol -I never get serous illness in the last 30 years perhaps. -I play football and eat healthy food since I have bee preparing myself for this surgary. May I also get more info on the following items? 1) how long is the stay at the hospital that is included in the budget? 2) After one surgary, how long should I come back for the second one? What price will be in total? 3) is it possible that until I reach the height that I want and then leaving Turkey with all the happiness? 4) What else should I prepare for this plan? Thank you so much and I have been reading the website and watching videos on YouTube and I do want to do this. Kind regards


Wanna Be Taller - Makbule2023-08-21 16:47

Hello, thank you for expressing your desire and reasons to go through the surgery. This surgery is safe if it is done by an experienced doctor first off. Then, good follow-up care must be received in order to recover well. Detailed information will be sent to your email address. Feel free to address your further questions there. Regards, WBT.

Joe Franchie 2023-03-06 09:49:49

Is it possible for me to get full 15cm done and how long the recovery process will be also how long do i need to stay there because im from Singapore


WannaBeTaller - Makbule2023-03-07 11:08

Hello, thanks for your comment. By undergoing 2 surgeries and giving the effort and time, you can achieve the maximum height gain. Generally, patients spare 5-6 months after a single surgery (lengthening phase + post-op recovery) For the second lengthening surgery, the doctor ideally suggests doing it 3-6 months after the first surgery. In this case, patients need to spate a full year for two surgeries and the recovery phase. Please feel free to get in touch with us. WhatsApp/Telegram +90 531 988 30 90 or e-mail support@wannabetaller.com Regards, Wannabetaller Team Regards, Wannabetaller Team

JS 2023-02-28 08:58:34

What body type is best for leg lengthening, I am very muscular 5’6 85kg, would it be better to lose muscle mass/tone before surgery or maintain current weight and muscle tone.


WannaBeTaller - Makbule2023-02-28 15:10

Hello, thanks for your comment. In the limb lengthening surgery, ideal height & weight harmony is important. Good body weight avoids heavy weight bearing on the internal or external mechanism in the legs. In addition to this, we advise the patients to stay away from doing extreme exercises that make the muscles more muscular. Otherwise, they become too stiff to distract. Thus, it is highly recommended to do exercises and stretches to increase flexibility. Best regards, Wannabetaller Team

Kim 2023-02-16 06:55:59

Hey, do you increase arm length to match the increased height?


WannaBeTaller - Makbule2023-02-16 11:15

Hello, thanks for your comment. As the maximum of 15 cm height gain can be tolerated in terms of proportionality, arm lengthening is not necessarily required to be done. Preferably, it can be done upon the patient's request. Best regards, Wannabetaller Team

Jim 2022-12-13 06:59:58

Hi,I’m currently about 6’ I want to get the full 15cm done. From start to finish how long until I’m able to walk normally?I understand there will be two surgery’s to accomplish that is that correct?


WannaBeTaller - Makbule2022-12-13 11:53

Hello, thanks for your comment. Preferably, the doctor performs the second lengthening surgery 6 months apart at the latest. Generally, walking normally and unaided after a single surgery takes 5/6 months. In case you do two surgeries 6 months apart, you will walk freely at the end of the year. However, you will avoid doing heavy exercises or sports as long as the doctor tells you. Please feel free to get in touch with us. WhatsApp/Telegram +90 531 988 30 90 or e-mail support@wannabetaller.com Regards, WannaBeTaller Team

Roger 2022-10-26 22:28:51

When is the soonest that you are allowed to go back home? It looks like you have to stay for a long time, and since I do work, mostly Telework, I would be worried about the length of time I would be out of work.


WannaBeTaller - Makbule2022-10-27 11:29

Hello, thanks for your comment. You need to spare 4/5 months for the lengthening period and the recovery time. Roughly, you will be able to return your work 5 months after the surgery. Patients are advised to stay here for 3 months on average to receive proper medical care. Then, they can go back to their hometown. For more personalized consultation please contact us via WhatsApp/Telegram +90 531 988 30 90 or e-mail support@wannabetaller.com Regards, WannaBeTaller Team

Jason 2022-05-17 08:30:39

I want to lengthen my femur exactly 10cm. My question is it possible and what is the percentage of risk after lengthening 8cm


Wanna Be Taller - Admin2022-05-17 13:46

Hello, thanks for your comment. Technically, it is possible to achieve 10 cm on Femur since the muscle quantity is much more on the upper legs. However, exceeding the maximum safe limit (8 cm) may lead to some potential risks and complications such as nerve damage, muscle/joint contractures, soft tissue ruptures, and so on, which can be permanent. During the face-to-face consultation with the doctor, the legs are examined through X-rays. If the doctor finds that the legs' flexibility is sufficient to achieve more than 8 cm, he will make small incisions on some specific muscles during the surgery to release the tension and help them to extend much better during the lengthening period. For more information and personalized consultation please contact us via WhatsApp/Telegram +90 531 988 30 90 or e-mail support@wannabetaller.com Regards, WannaBeTaller Team

WannaBeTaller AI Assistant X

Hello, I am the world's first limb lengthening surgery assistant, created by the first limb lengthening facility in Turkey (Wanna Be Taller). Feel free to ask me anything about limb lengthening surgery.

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