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Growth Plates: What Are They, and When Do They Close or Reopen?

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Growth Plates: Understanding Their Role in Bone Development and Height Growth

What are growth plates can growth plates reopen?

Growth plates, medically known as epiphyseal plates, are specialized areas of cartilage found at the ends of long bones, such as the femur (upper leg) and tibia (lower leg). These plates are essential for bone growth and development during childhood and adolescence. They serve as the primary sites where new bone tissue forms, allowing bones to lengthen and individuals to grow taller.

How Do Growth Plates Function?

Growth plates operate through a process of rapid cellular division and bone tissue formation. This dynamic activity drives the lengthening of bones as children and young people grow. The structure of growth plates is intricate, involving multiple layers of cells that gradually ossify into solid bone as the individual matures.

At What Age Do the Growth Plates Close?

Growth plates typically begin to close during puberty, completing this process between the ages of 16-18 in girls and 18-21 in boys. Once these plates close, they no longer support bone lengthening, marking the end of an individual’s height growth. The exact timing of closure can vary due to factors such as genetics, nutrition, and overall health.

Can Growth Plates Reopen?

A common concern for those who feel they haven't reached their desired height is whether growth plates can reopen after they’ve closed. The answer is NO. Once growth plates have closed, they do not reopen, as they no longer provide a suitable environment for active cellular division and bone growth. However, in rare instances involving severe bone injuries or surgical interventions, growth plates may be affected, requiring specialized medical evaluation and treatment.

The Location and Role of Growth Plates

Growth plates are located at the ends of long bones, such as the femur (upper leg) and tibia (lower leg), and are responsible for controlling the elongation and growth of these bones. They are most active during puberty, typically between the ages of 10 and 18, though this can vary based on individual factors and gender. During this period, growth hormones significantly influence the activity of growth plates, promoting bone lengthening.

What Happens When Growth Plates Close?

After the growth plates close, the potential for natural bone lengthening ceases. While bones can still thicken and change shape to some extent, the elongation process effectively stops. The closure of growth plates does not completely halt bone growth; rather, it marks the end of height increase.

My Growth Plates Are Closed, Will I Never Grow Taller?

If your growth plates have closed, natural height increase is no longer possible. However, you can still achieve height growth through limb (leg) lengthening surgery. This procedure can increase your height by 6-8 cm with one surgery, and up to 12-16 cm with two surgeries.

For example, Hollywood actor Rich Rotella struggled to land leading roles due to his height and opted for lengthening surgery, which increased his height by 8 cm. You can learn more about Rich Rotella and other celebrities who have undergone height lengthening surgery in our detailed article.

Success Stories: Limb Lengthening Surgery After Growth Plates Close

Since natural growth is no longer possible after growth plates close, many people turn to cosmetic limb lengthening surgery. This procedure is a significant surgical intervention that should only be performed by specialist doctors. At Wanna Be Taller, we pride ourselves on our expert medical team and the comprehensive care we provide both before and after surgery.

Wanna Be Taller team performs a professional process both in the preoperative process and after surgery with its expert medical staff. For example, a Japanese patient in his 40s complained about his short stature and wanted to be taller. His height was 166 cm and this situation was affecting both his social and professional life. Our patient, who said that no lengthening surgery was performed in his country, saw our company on Youtube and contacted us. Our patient, who decided to work with us as a result of his long research, had two height surgeries; at the end of the process, he reached 179 cm from 166 cm. You can find the detailed story of our patient here.

Growth Plates: What Are They, and When Do They Close or Reopen?

Another one of our patients was Nicholas. After receiving detailed information, Nicholas decided to undergo lengthening surgery. He ultimately had two surgeries, one on the upper legs and one on the lower legs. As a result, he grew a total of 11.5 cm, increasing his height from 174 cm to 185.5 cm.

Growth Plates: What Are They, and When Do They Close or Reopen?

Here you can read the story of our patient's height increase, which he completed in a healthy way.

You can review the progress of more of our patients on our limb lengthening surgery success stories page.

You can also read our articles titled "Limb Lengthening Surgery Cost 2023? ", "How to Compare Heights - Height Comparison", "How many inches can I grow with limb lengthening?".

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