Assoc Prof Dr Yunus Öç

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus Öç started his medical education at Istanbul University and graduated in 2008. Therewith he began his specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the University of Health Sciences, (2009-2014). After working at the public hospital for the service period, he worked as a specialist doctor in various private hospitals in İstanbul. Recently, he has been working as an Orthopedic and Traumatology specialist at Beykent University Hospital. In addition to this, he had been conducting academic research at Beykent University and was providing education to undergraduate and post-graduate students until recently. Currently, he accepts patients in BHT Clinic Istanbul Tema Hospital. Also, you can check Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus Öç‘s website for more information about the doctor.
Visit Google Scholar to see the academic studies and publications of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus Öç.

  • Medizinische Fakultät – Istanbul, Türkei (2002-2008)
  • Facharztausbildung in Orthopädischer Chirurgie: Facharztausbildung in orthopädischer Chirurgie: Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital – 2014

Beykent Universität, (2021 – 2024) – (Operierender Arzt)

Krankenhaus der Beykent Universität, Istanbul (2021 – 2024) – (Facharzt für Orthopädie und Traumatologie)

Privates Medi Life Krankenhaus, Bağcılar, Istanbul – (2019-2021) – (Facharzt für Orthopädie und Traumatologie)

Privates Vega Krankenhaus, Çorlu, Tekirdağ – (2018-2019) – (Facharzt für Orthopädie und Traumatologie)

Sisli Etfal Ausbildungs- und Forschungskrankenhaus – (2015-2018) – (Facharzt für Orthopädie und Traumatologie)

Batman Kozluk Staatliches Krankenhaus – (2014-2014) – (Dienstzeit)

University of Health Sciences – Sisli Etfal Training and Research Hospital – (2009-2014) – (Residency in Orthopedic Surgery)

  1. Limb lengthening (Adult & Pediatric)
  2. Limb Lengthening Revision
  3. Limb Deformity Correction
  4. Bone and soft tissue sarcomas
  5. Prosthetic surgery
  6. Arthroscopic surgery
  1. Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Cennet S, Boyacioglu MM, Ertugrul R, Varol A. Complications of Computer Tomography Assisted Radiofrequency Ablation in the Treatment of Osteoid Osteoma. Biomed Res Int. 2019 May 15;2019:4376851. doi: 10.1155/2019/4376851. eCollection 2019.PMID: 31223617
  2. Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Gulcu A, Varol A, Ertugrul R, Kara A Ultrasonography or direct radiography? A comparison of two techniques to detect dorsal screw penetration after volar plate fixation. .J Orthop Surg Res. 2018 Apr 3;13(1):70. doi: 10.1186/s13018-018-0774-5.PMID: 29615100
  3. Kilinc BE, Oc Y, Erturer RE. TREATMENT OF MIDSHAFT CLAVICLE FRACTURE WITH SUPERIOR PLATE PLACEMENT. Acta Ortop Bras. 2020 Mar-Apr;28(2):88-91. doi: 10.1590/1413-785220202802226166.PMID: 32425671
  4. Sahin C, Oc Y, Ediz N, Altınay M, Bayrak AH. The safety and the efficacy of computed tomography guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2019 Sep;53(5):360-365. doi: 10.1016/j.aott.2019.06.001. Epub 2019 Jul 29.PMID: 31371131
  5. Kilinc BE, Celik H, Oc Y, Unlu R, Keskinoz EN, Yilmaz B. Analysis of Subcutaneous Anterior Transposition versus in-situ Decompression of Ulnar Nerve with Force Transducer in Cadaver Specimen. Turk Neurosurg. 2020;30(1):99-103. doi: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.27190-19.2.PMID: 32091113
  6. Kilinc BE, Oc Y, Erturer RE. Modified Lindgren-Turan Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus Deformity – a Review of 60 Cases. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2018;85(5):325-330.PMID: 30383528
  7. Gülenç B, Öç Y, Yalçin S, Şener B, Çamur S, Kara A. The Evaluation of Results of Repair using All-Soft Suture Anchor in the Treatment of Chronic Tendinous Mallet Finger Surgery. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2020;87(1):24-27.
  8. Kilinc BE, Oc Y, Kara A, Erturer RE. The effect of the cerclage wire in the treatment of subtrochanteric femur fracture with the long proximal femoral nail: A review of 52 cases. Int J Surg. 2018 Aug;56:250-255. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2018.06.035. Epub 2018 Jun 28.PMID: 29960077
  9. Ertogrul R, Varol A, Oc Y, Kilinc BE. Is Peroneus Longus Allograft Good Alternative for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: a Comparison Study. Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2021;88(1):58-62.PMID: 33764869
  10. Sahin C, Oc Y, Ediz N, Hasanefendioglu Bayrak A. Successful percutaneous treatment of osteoid osteoma in a 13 month-old boy with radiofrequency ablation under CT guidance. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2019 May;53(3):233-237. doi: 10.1016/j.aott.2018.10.002. Epub 2018 Nov 13.PMID: 30446252
  11. Sahin C, Ucpinar BA, Oc Y, Kabukcuoglu F. Radiologic Findings of Scapular Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Successfully Treated with CT-Guided Corticosteroid Injection. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2020 Jul;30(7):754-756. doi: 10.29271/jcpsp.2020.07.754.PMID: 32811609
  12. Kara A, Celik H, Oc Y, Uzun M, Erdil M, Tetik C.Flexor tendon complications in comminuted distal radius fractures treated with anatomic volar rim locking plates. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 2016.
  13. Seker A, Kara A, Armagan R, Oc Y, Varol A, Sezer HB Reconstruction of neglected achilles tendon ruptures with gastrocnemius flaps: excellent results in long-term follow-up.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2016 Oct
  14. Kara A, Celik H, Bankaoglu M, Oc Y, Bulbul M, Sugun TS. Ultrasonic Evaluation of the Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon Following Volar Plate Fixation for Distal Radius Fractures. J Hand Surg Am. 2016 Mar;41(3)
  15. Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Oc, Y., Celik, H., Camur, S., Bilgin, E., Eren, O. T. (2016). Transtibial vs anatomical single bundle technique for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A Retrospective Cohort Study. International Journal of Surgery, 29, 62-69.
  16. Kilinc BE, Kemah B, Oc Y, Varol A, Celik H, Turkmen I Plate Positioning Affects the Pressure on the Axillary Nerve Following a Deltopectoral Approach. .Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech. 2021;88(2):153-157.PMID: 33960929
  •  Yunus, O., Kilinc, B. E., Armagan, R., Kara, A., Kanar, M., & Eren, O. T. (2016). Volare Verriegelungsplattentherapie bei fragmentierten intraartikulären Frakturen des distalen Radius. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 17(1),>
  • Oc, Y., Ozcan M. S., Sezer H. B., Kilinc B. E., Eren O. T. (2016). Nontraumatische Myositis Ossificans der Hüfte: Eine Fallvorstellung. Case Reports in Orthopedics, 2016.
  • Oc Y, Varol A, Yazar EA, Ak S, Akpolat AO, Kilinc BE. Behandlungsstrategie für ältere Patienten mit einer isolierten Trochanter major Fraktur. SAGE Open Med. 2020 Oct 7;8:2050312120964138. doi: 10.1177/2050312120964138. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33101681
  • Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Varol A, Kara A. Eine sichere Methode zur frühen Rehabilitation von Gelenkfrakturen an der Basis des Daumenmittelhandknochens. Adv Orthop. 2021 Feb 8;2021:6632211. doi: 10.1155/2021/6632211. eCollection 2021.PMID: 33628513
  • Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Ertugrul R, Sezer HB, Eren OT. Epitheloides Angiosarkom im Oberschenkelknochen: A Case Presentation. World J Oncol. 2017 Dec;8(6):196-198. doi: 10.14740/wjon1066e. Epub 2017 Dec 28.PMID: 29317966
  • Kilinc BE, Oc Y, Alibakan G, Bilgin E, Kanar M, Eren OT. Eine 1-monatige Beobachtungsstudie über die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Promerim zur Verbesserung des Kniegelenks. Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord. 2018 Feb 11;11:1179544118757496. doi: 10.1177/1179544118757496. eCollection 2018.PMID: 29467586
  • Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Haluk Celik, Y. O., & Camur, S. (2016). Ist die Technik der vorderen Kreuzbandoperation für die Rehabilitation und die Aktivitätswerte von Bedeutung? Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 12(3), 232-234
  • o Sonmez MM, Yilmaz F, Oc Y, Erturer RE, Seckin MF, Kilinc BE, Ozturk İ. Bewertung des N. gluteus superior bei der proximalen Femurnagelung. J Clin Anal Med 2016; DOI: 10.4328/JCAM.4824.
  • • Kilinc E, Adnan K, Ramazan EE, Yunus O. Mini-externer Fixateur assistierte Metacarpalverlängerung mit Distraktionsmethode. Ser J Exp Clin Res 2015; 16 (3): 255-258
  • • Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Haluk Celik, Y. O., & Camur, S. (2016). Ist die Technik der vorderen Kreuzbandoperation für die Rehabilitation und die Aktivitätswerte von Bedeutung? Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 12(3), 232-234
  • • Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Camur, S., Oc, Y., & Celik, H. (2015). Isokinetische Dynamometerevaluation der Auswirkungen der frühen Oberschenkeldurchmesserdifferenz auf die Oberschenkelmuskelkraft bei Patienten, die sich einer vorderen Kreuzbandrekonstruktion mit Hamstringsehnentransplantat unterziehen. Zeitschrift für Bewegungsrehabilitation, 11(2), 95-100.
  • • Kilinc E, Kara A, Sonmez MM, Oc Y, Camur S. Isolierte karpale Dislokation des Trapeziums. Ser J Exp Clin Res; 16 (1): 51-54
  • • Yunus, O., Kilinc, B. E., Armagan, R., Kara, A., Kanar, M., & Eren, O. T. (2016). Volare Verriegelungsplattentherapie bei fragmentierten intraartikulären Frakturen des distalen Radius. Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 17(1),>
  • Oc, Y., Ozcan M. S., Sezer H. B., Kilinc B. E., Eren O. T. (2016). Nontraumatische Myositis Ossificans der Hüfte: Eine Fallvorstellung. Case Reports in Orthopedics, 2016.
  • Oc Y, Varol A, Yazar EA, Ak S, Akpolat AO, Kilinc BE. Behandlungsstrategie für ältere Patienten mit einer isolierten Trochanter major Fraktur. SAGE Open Med. 2020 Oct 7;8:2050312120964138. doi: 10.1177/2050312120964138. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33101681
  • Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Varol A, Kara A. Eine sichere Methode zur frühen Rehabilitation von Gelenkfrakturen an der Basis des Daumenmittelhandknochens. Adv Orthop. 2021 Feb 8;2021:6632211. doi: 10.1155/2021/6632211. eCollection 2021.PMID: 33628513
  • Oc Y, Kilinc BE, Ertugrul R, Sezer HB, Eren OT. Epitheloides Angiosarkom im Oberschenkelknochen: A Case Presentation. World J Oncol. 2017 Dec;8(6):196-198. doi: 10.14740/wjon1066e. Epub 2017 Dec 28.PMID: 29317966
  • Kilinc BE, Oc Y, Alibakan G, Bilgin E, Kanar M, Eren OT. Eine 1-monatige Beobachtungsstudie über die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Promerim zur Verbesserung des Kniegelenks. Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord. 2018 Feb 11;11:1179544118757496. doi: 10.1177/1179544118757496. eCollection 2018.PMID: 29467586
  • Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Haluk Celik, Y. O., & Camur, S. (2016). Ist die Technik der vorderen Kreuzbandoperation für die Rehabilitation und die Aktivitätswerte von Bedeutung? Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 12(3), 232-234
  • o Sonmez MM, Yilmaz F, Oc Y, Erturer RE, Seckin MF, Kilinc BE, Ozturk İ. Bewertung des N. gluteus superior bei der proximalen Femurnagelung. J Clin Anal Med 2016; DOI: 10.4328/JCAM.4824.
  • • Kilinc E, Adnan K, Ramazan EE, Yunus O. Mini-externer Fixateur assistierte Metacarpalverlängerung mit Distraktionsmethode. Ser J Exp Clin Res 2015; 16 (3): 255-258
  • • Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Haluk Celik, Y. O., & Camur, S. (2016). Ist die Technik der vorderen Kreuzbandoperation für die Rehabilitation und die Aktivitätswerte von Bedeutung? Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 12(3), 232-234
  • • Kilinc, B. E., Kara, A., Camur, S., Oc, Y., & Celik, H. (2015). Isokinetische Dynamometerevaluation der Auswirkungen der frühen Oberschenkeldurchmesserdifferenz auf die Oberschenkelmuskelkraft bei Patienten, die sich einer vorderen Kreuzbandrekonstruktion mit Hamstringsehnentransplantat unterziehen. Zeitschrift für Bewegungsrehabilitation, 11(2), 95-100.
  • • Kilinc E, Kara A, Sonmez MM, Oc Y, Camur S. Isolierte karpale Dislokation des Trapeziums. Ser J Exp Clin Res; 16 (1): 51-54
  • Y Öç, BE Kılınç, O Gültekin, EA Yazar, A Varol, HM Özdemir Brauner Tumor und Hyperparathyreoidismus in der orthopädischen Chirurgie Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis 27 (1), 24 2021
  • • A Şeker, HB Sezer, R Armağan, Y Öç, T Işık, A Kara, İ Öztürk Inzidenz der Entwicklungsdysplasie der Hüfte bei Säuglingen, die jünger als sechs Monate sind, in unserer orthopädischen Ambulanz Şişli Etfal Medical Bulletin 46 (3), 140-144
  • • Çamur, S., Kilinc, B. E., Sönmez, M. M., Çelik, H., & Öç, Y. (2015). Medizinische Kostenanalyse der osteoporotischen Hüftfrakturen. Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis, 21(3).
  • • M. Kanar, R. Armagan, Y. Öç, HB. Sezer, OT. Eren Behandlung instabiler distaler Radiusfrakturen mit nicht-brückenartiger externer Fixierung Şişli Etfal Medical Bulletin 51 (2), 96
  • • M Kanar, R Armağan, Y Oc, MA Talmac, OT Eren Ist eine Intensivstation für geriatrische Hüftfrakturen notwendig? Şişli Etfal Medical Bulletin, 51 (3), 201-206
  • • Kara, Y. Öç, A. Şeker, M. Uzun, E. Ertürer, İ. Öztürk Eine seltene Form der Dislokation einer Hemiarthroplastik nach intertrochantärer Fraktur Das Medizinische Bulletin des Sisli Etfal Krankenhauses 47 (3), 154-156
  • • Camur S,Celik H,Kılınc BE,Oc Y,Ozcan MS,Kara A Ergebnisse von diaphysären Femurfrakturen, die durch lang- und kurzfristige Traktionsmethoden bei Vorschulkindern behandelt wurden, Medizin Wissenschaft 2021;10(1):262-7
  • Mehmet Mesut Sonmez , Figen Yılmaz, Yunus Öç, Ramazan Erden Erturer, Mustafa Faik Seçkin, İrfan Öztirk – Bewertung des Nervus gluteus superior mittels Elektromyographie bei Patienten, bei denen aufgrund einer intertropkanterischen Fraktur proximale Femurnägel eingesetzt wurden – 22. Nationaler Türkischer Orthopädie- und Traumatologiekongress 2011
  • Yunus Öç, Raffi Armağan, Adnan Kara, Bekir Eray Kılınç, Savaş Çamur, Osman Tuğrul Eren – Ergebnisse der Behandlung von intraartikulären Radiusfragmentfrakturen mit Voler Locked Plaques – Orthopädie und Traumatologie Istanbul Meeting- Wow Hotel Convention Center, Istanbul (17-20 April 2014)
  • Bekir Eray Kılınç, Adnan Kara, Yunus Oc, Haluk Celik, Savas Çamur – Bewertung der Oberschenkelatrophie mittels isometrischem Dynamometer bei Patienten, die sich einer vorderen Kreuzbandrekonstruktion unterziehen -2nd Physiotherapy – Orthopedics Joint Symposium – October, 2014
  • Bekir Eray Kılınc,Adnan Kara,Mehmet Mesut Sonmez,Haluk Çelik,Yunus Öç – Transtibiale Technik unter Verwendung eines autogenen Hemstring-Sehnen-Transplantats bei Läsionen des vorderen Kreuzbandes und unsere vergleichenden frühen Ergebnisse nach der Rekonstruktion mit der anatomischen Einbandtechnik – Orthopädie und Traumatologie Istanbul Meeting- Wow Hotel Convention Center, Istanbul (17-20 April 2014))
  • Adnan Kara, Yunus Öç, Metin Uzun, Hakan Turan Çift, Mehmet Ali Uysal, Tahir Sadık Sügün – VERGLEICH VON 4-WEG-RADIOGRAPHIE UND ULTRASONOGRAPHIE BEI DER DORSALEN KORTEX-PENETRATION DES KÖRPERS IN RADIUS DYSTALEN EXTREMEN, BEI DENEN VOLAR PLAQUE ANGEWENDET WIRD – 24. Nationaler Türkischer Orthopädie und Traumatologie Kongress – Antalya, 2014
  • Mehmet Mesut Sonmez, Savas Camur, Meric Ugurlar, Osman Tugrul Eren, Yunus Oc, Bekir Eray Kilinc – Vergleichsstudie über den Versorgungsaufwand bei Patienten mit intertrochantären und Oberschenkelhalsfrakturen – 25th National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress – October,2015

Bekir Eray Kılınç, Adnan Kara, Yunus Oc, Haluk Celik, Savas Çamur – Bewertung der Genauigkeit von Lachman- und Frontschubladentests mit dem KT-1000 Artrometer – 26. Nationaler Türkischer Orthopädie- und Traumatologiekongress – Antalya, 2016 (Erster Preis in Sporttraumatologie)p>

  1. Türkische Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Traumatologie
  2. Türkische Ärztekammer, Istanbuler Ärztekammer
  3. Mitglied der türkischen Orthopädie-Ausbildungskommission (Türkische Orthopädieprüfung Nov. 2011)

Precice 2.2 – 43,200€
Precice Stryde – 66,850€
LON – 21,450€
Diskrepanz der Extremitäten
Extremitätenkorrekturen (O-Beine/Knick-Knie)

Bitte setzen Sie sich mit unseren Patientenberatern in Verbindung, um eine Online-Konsultation gegen einen Aufpreis von 100€ +90 531 869 83 11 (WhatsApp)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yunus Öç with Patients


Our Doctor Yunus Öç Answered Your Questions About Cosmetic Limb Extension Surgery

0 Comment

  • Georgia , May 6, 2022 @ 12:48 pm Reply

    Hey i was wondering can I lengthening my femur 10cm

    • Wanna Be Taller, May 6, 2022 @ 1:01 pm Reply

      Hello, thanks for your comment. The maximum safe limit for Femur is 8 cm and 7 cm for Tibia. Even though it is technically possible to achieve more than 8 cm on Femur, our doctors do not advise exceeding the limit in terms of high-risk issues such as muscle/joint contractures, limited range of motion, permanent nerve damage, soft tissue ruptures, and so on.
      For more information and personalized consultation please contact us via WhatsApp/Telegram +90 531 988 30 90 or e-mail Regards, WannaBeTaller Team

  • Michele , June 21, 2022 @ 5:41 am Reply


    I am 5’6 and would like to gain 5 in between the tibia and femur. I was hoping if you could give me an estimate so I can start planning.


    • Wanna Be Taller, June 21, 2022 @ 1:59 pm Reply

      Hello, thanks for your comment. The prices may vary depending on the method, extra removal surgery, and duration of staying here. The estimated cost may range from 25 000 USD to 48 000 USD when 3-month accommodation, removal surgery cost (external one) and the surgery fee itself (LON or Precice) are taken into account.
      For more information and personalized consultation please contact us via WhatsApp/Telegram +90 531 988 30 90 or e-mail Regards, WannaBeTaller Team

  • Alex, July 9, 2022 @ 6:10 pm Reply

    Can you take a shower with LONs external devices? Is it safe if water gets in your wounds around device pins?

    • Wanna Be Taller, July 11, 2022 @ 10:14 pm Reply

      Hello, thanks for your comment. First 2/3 weeks after the surgery, patients are not allowed to take a shower. Then, mostly sponge bath is taken, and if they want to have a full shower, they need to have their medical dressing changed immediately afterward.
      For more information and personalized consultation please contact us via WhatsApp/Telegram +90 531 988 30 90 or e-mail Regards, WannaBeTaller Team

  • Fawaz, September 11, 2022 @ 3:26 pm Reply

    ١- هل يمكنني اجراء عمليتين فين وقت واحد؟ اقصد اطالة عظم الفخذ والساق؟ اريد ١٤ سم خلال سنه واحده .
    ٢- انا مدخن هل استطيع الاطالة ؟
    ٣- بالنسبة لسترايد متى سوف ترجع للخدمة؟
    السعر الاجمالي لسترايد للساقين مع الفخذين مع الاقامة في فندق ٥ نجوم لمدة كامل الاطاله مع العلاجات والرعاية الصحية الخ.. ؟

    • Wanna Be Taller, September 15, 2022 @ 10:20 am Reply

      للحصول على كافة المعلومات التي ترغبون بمعرفتها بامكانكم التواصل معنا على الرقم التالي : 00905332384130 او مراسلتنا على البريد الالكتروني :

  • Manuel, September 14, 2022 @ 6:37 pm Reply

    I am 5’6 and want to do both femur and tibia with precise stryde but I work as an electrician so I would like info on when I can expect to go back to work and price, Thanks.

    • Wanna Be Taller, September 15, 2022 @ 10:23 am Reply

      Hello thanks for your comment. Patients can return back to work 4/5 months after the first surgery. However, the duration might take longer depending on your recovery process. For the current quotes, you can contact us via social media accounts or +90 531 988 30 90
      We can gladly answer your questions.
      Wannabetaller Team

  • Lucas Torre , November 4, 2022 @ 3:45 am Reply


    I have a left short leg of 1.3cm. It may not be big but it has caused my pelvis to tilt. I have an x-ray which shows the right side tilted upwards, which is causing severe chronic pelvic pain and dysfunction. I’m waiting to get a pudendal nerve decompression surgery, but the surgeon said it’s best first to get the short leg corrected.

    How much is the cost for a 1.3cm length and how long will I need to stay there?

    Thank you

    • WannaBeTaller - Makbule, November 7, 2022 @ 11:24 am Reply

      Hello, thanks for your comment. The necessary information has been proved via email address.

      Wannabetaller Team

  • Berke Kobay, November 29, 2022 @ 10:11 pm Reply

    Merhaba , Yillardir boy komplex’im var ve artık ameliyat olmaya kesin karar verdim ama bilgi eksikliğim var , boyum 1.73 ve 22 yaşındayim . Benim icin mumkunmu ameliyat olmak ?

    • WannaBeTaller - Makbule, November 30, 2022 @ 11:57 am Reply

      Hello, thanks for your comment. Please contact our Turkis patient consultation expert to get more details regarding the surgery and the process. PN: +90 505 091 66 09 Regards, Wannabetaller Team

  • Mounir, June 11, 2023 @ 9:09 pm Reply

    السلام عليكم، اولا نشكركم على هذا الموقع،
    من فضلكم اود ان اعرف طريقة الدفع لتكلفة عملية تطويل الساق بطريقة بريسايس ،علما انني اسكن بالمغرب ؟ وشكرا

    • Wanna Be Taller, June 22, 2023 @ 2:38 pm Reply

      اهلا سيد منير
      طرق الدفع كلها كتوفرة سواء كانت نقدا او عن طريق حوالات من خلال مكاتب الخدمات المالي مثل مانيغرام او ويسترنيونيون او من خلال الحوالات المصريفية المباشرة او اي طرق اخرى متوفرة
      للمزيد تواصلوا معنا على الرقم التالي عن طريق واتساب
      او من خلال البريد الالكتروني
      نشطركم على لطفكم و سعيدون ان الموقع لاقى استحسانكم

  • طارق عادل ابو الحسايب, June 15, 2023 @ 8:17 am Reply

    انا طولي ١٥٨ واريد معرفة المقدار الممكن لزيادة الطول وكم ستكلف العملية
    +966 570434736 واتس اب

    • Wanna Be Taller, July 21, 2023 @ 10:32 am Reply

      سيتم التواصل معكم على الرقم المذكور ان امكن
      في حال حصل اي تاخير غير متوقع بامكانكم التواصل معنا على الرقم التالي
      او على بريدنا الالكتروني

  • Ali , June 15, 2023 @ 6:30 pm Reply

    نوع العملية، فترة التعافي من العملية
    خطورات قد تصاحب العملية و اسعار العملية

    • Wanna Be Taller, June 22, 2023 @ 1:15 pm Reply

      الطريقتين التي ينصح بها طبيبنا هي لون المدمجة و بريسايس 2 الداخلية او المعروفو في الاوساط العربية باسم المسمار النخاعي
      فترة الاطالة 3 اشهر بعد العملية
      فترة المشي دون عكازات 6 اشهر بعد العملية
      فترة العودة لجميع انواع الرياضة هي تقريبا سنة واحدة بعد العملية
      بخصوص التكاليف يمكنكم التواصل معنا على الواتساب الرقم موجود في صفحة التواصل في موقعنا او التواصل معنا على البريد الالكتروني

  • كريم , June 21, 2023 @ 5:36 am Reply

    انا طولي ١٦٤ وعندي ٣٧ سنه هل ممكن اعمل عمليه اطاله ؟ ولو ممكن دي تخليني اطول اد ايه ؟ و تكلفتها كام ؟

    • Wanna Be Taller, June 22, 2023 @ 1:09 pm Reply

      اهلا سيد كريم
      عمرك مناسب للعملية
      بعملية واحدة يمكنكم زيادة طولكم حتى 8 سم اذا تمت العملية في الفخذين
      او يمكنكم زيادة طولكم حتى 7 سم اذا تمت في الساقين
      و بخصوص التكاليف يمكنكم التواصل معنا على الواتساب
      الرقم موجود في صفحة التواصل في موقعنا
      او التواصل معنا على البريد الالكتروني

  • Augusto Fasano, August 5, 2023 @ 8:53 pm Reply

    Hi, I’m a 55 year old male and I’m 1.74cm tall. I have short legs in relation to my torso. I’d like to stretch the lower limbs (tibia and femur) about 8 cm.
    I would like to know what are the risks of this surgery?
    What are the costs?
    What are the recovery times?
    Thank you for the answer.
    Best regards

  • Mike, August 22, 2023 @ 5:19 pm Reply

    How much lls did the doctor done

    • Andrew, August 22, 2023 @ 5:20 pm Reply

      There is number in home page which says 700+

    • Wanna Be Taller, August 24, 2023 @ 11:31 am Reply

      Hello, there is no exact number of cases in which the doctor performed LL, but approximately more than 120 cases were done for the past 1.5 years. Regards, WBT.

  • Wanna Be Taller, August 24, 2023 @ 11:29 am Reply

    Hello, this is the number of orthopedic cases done through our organization. If you are interested in learning about Limb Lengthening, Limb Shortening, or other orthopedic surgeries. Please feel free to contact us. Regards, WBT.

  • Jay jackson, November 30, 2023 @ 9:33 am Reply

    Im interested in the precice stryde procedure

    • Wanna Be Taller, November 30, 2023 @ 12:00 pm Reply

      Hello, thanks for your comment. Currently, Precice Stryde is unavailable around the world. If you are interested, you can peruse Precice 2, which is the early version Stryde. For tailored information, feel free to consult with a patient consultation expert. Regards, WBT.

  • Shan Genesan , February 15, 2024 @ 2:23 am Reply

    Hi I’m Shan from malaysia. I come from family who mostly have limited growth and I would like to increase them as it makes me too insecure.
    I am 148cm now and I would like to atleast achieve 158cm, 10cm taller. Kindly, provide me the qoute and more information about the surgery. Thank you

    • Wanna Be Taller, February 15, 2024 @ 10:49 am Reply

      Hello, thank you for reaching out. Detailed info will be sent to your email address. Regards, WBT – Medzonia.

  • Jason, February 20, 2024 @ 5:44 am Reply

    I am wondering how tall can I get with surgery? and how much will it cost and in what currency?
    Also if I’m 5ft10 am I able to get 5 1/2 inches in my femur and 6 1/2 in the tibia to get to the height of 6ft10?

    • Wanna Be Taller, February 27, 2024 @ 2:28 pm Reply

      Hello, first of all, we accept in USD currency. With a single procedure, As to gaining how much height increase, it is possible to increase up to 8 cm (approximately 3 inches) in the femur and up to 7 cm (about 2.76 inches) in the tibia. These are the maximum limits that are considered safe, and it is generally not recommended to exceed them for health and aesthetic reasons. More details will be sent to your email address. Regards, WBT – Medzonia.

    • Jason, March 3, 2024 @ 9:03 pm Reply

      How tall can I get with the precise surgery vs the LON surgery

  • Jason, February 20, 2024 @ 5:50 am Reply

    Are you able to do the precise surgery

    • Wanna Be Taller, February 27, 2024 @ 2:31 pm Reply

      Hello, yes we do offer limb lengthening with Precice 2. If you are interested in learning more information, kindly get in touch with our patient consultation expert through any communication channels you prefer. Regards, WBT – Medzonia.

    • Jason, March 3, 2024 @ 9:05 pm Reply

      And also what’s the max height I can get in both my femurs and Tibias doing the LON surgery and also what’s the maze height i can get in my tibias and femurs doing the Precise surgery

  • Wanna Be Taller, March 5, 2024 @ 11:56 am Reply

    Hello, he amount of lengthening that can be safely achieved in a single surgery depends on various factors, such as the age and overall health of the patient, the location of the bone that needs to be lengthened, muscle flexibility, nerve durability and the surgical technique used.

    It's important to note that pushing the limits of safe lengthening can increase the risk of complications, such as nerve damage, joint stiffness, infection, muscle contracture, and bone healing problems. It's essential to consult with a qualified and experienced orthopedic surgeon who can assess your individual case and provide guidance on the safe and realistic limits of lengthening for you.

    Overall, while it may be possible to achieve up to 9-10 cm of lengthening in a single surgery, the safety and feasibility of this approach depend on several factors and should be carefully evaluated by a qualified orthopedic surgeon.

    Maximum pushed limit with LON that the doctor can allow if everything is on track;
    Femurs: 9 – 9,5 cm
    Tibia: 7,5 cm

    Maximum pushed limit with Precice 2 that the doctor can allow if everything is on track;
    Femurs: 8 – 8,3
    Tibia: 7,5 cm

    Regards, WBT – Medzonia.

  • Wanna Be Taller, March 5, 2024 @ 11:58 am Reply

    Hello, while it could be a 9.5 cm height increase with the LON on the femur, it can be 8,3 cm with the Precice on the femur. Regards, WVT – Medzonia.

  • Jason, March 5, 2024 @ 9:16 pm Reply

    Are you able to make me 6ft5 if im 5ft10

    • Wanna Be Taller, March 7, 2024 @ 10:48 am Reply

      Hello, with a single procedure, it is possible to increase up to 8 cm (approximately 3 inches) in the femur and up to 7 cm (about 2.76 inches) in the tibia. These are the maximum limits that are considered safe, and it is generally not recommended to exceed them for health and aesthetic reasons. Regards, WBT – Medzonia.

  • Jason, March 23, 2024 @ 3:29 am Reply

    Am I able to exceed the maximum height limit by 1 inch or 2 1/4

    • Wanna Be Taller, March 25, 2024 @ 11:32 am Reply

      Hello, technically it is possible, however, your health is prioritized. Therefore, the doctor will advise you how much further you can exceed the limit based on your physical and health condition. Regards, WBT – Medzonia.

  • Jason, March 23, 2024 @ 8:54 pm Reply

    Hello are you able to make me 5 inches taller in one surgery or do I need two surgeries

    • Wanna Be Taller, March 25, 2024 @ 11:30 am Reply

      Hello, with a single procedure, it is possible to increase up to 8 cm (approximately 3 inches) in the femur and up to 7 cm (about 2.76 inches) in the tibia. These are the maximum limits that are considered safe, and it is generally not recommended to exceed them for health and aesthetic reasons.

      Our surgeon does not perform quadrilateral lengthening surgeries due to their high risk. Such procedures can pose a significant risk of embolism and require prolonged anesthesia, which can cause multiple traumas to the legs. Therefore, it is ideal to schedule a second limb lengthening surgery at least 6 to 12 months after the initial procedure. He prefers giving a gap of 6 to 12 months between leg lengthening surgeries for several reasons. Firstly, it allows the bone to heal and form a strong callus, providing stability during lengthening and reducing complications. Secondly, it gives time for the surrounding soft tissues to recover from surgery-related stress, preventing potential complications. Thirdly, it helps avoid problems like infection, nerve damage, and poor bone consolidation that might occur if the second surgery is rushed. The gradual lengthening process also allows the bone to adapt effectively, leading to better outcomes with reduced fracture risk. Lastly, the recovery time enables patients to undergo thorough physical therapy and rehabilitation, ensuring better preparation and increased comfort for the subsequent surgery, thus improving overall well-being and pain management. For further information, please feel free to contact us through the communication channels you prefer. Regards, WBT – Medzonia.

  • Blox, April 2, 2024 @ 6:55 pm Reply

    Hello, I am a very flexible person who has been training flexibility for 6 years at this point. I wish to do femurs then after 2 years I will do tibia. I want to get 4.5 in femur and 4.5 in tibia. I am very flexible and I think I could go through this but, my concern is about the lengthening capacity of the nails used in the hospital. Lengthening capacity is a big factor when thinking about maximum height gain. Please provide information about the maximum length the nail can lengthen.

    • Wanna Be Taller, April 4, 2024 @ 11:15 am Reply


      The amount of lengthening that can be safely achieved in a single surgery depends on various factors, such as the age and overall health of the patient, the location of the bone that needs to be lengthened, muscle flexibility, nerve durability and the surgical technique used.

      It's important to note that pushing the limits of safe lengthening can increase the risk of complications, such as nerve damage, joint stiffness, infection, muscle contracture, and bone healing problems. It's essential to consult with a qualified and experienced orthopedic surgeon who can assess your individual case and provide guidance on the safe and realistic limits of lengthening for you.

      Overall, while it may be possible to achieve up to 9-10 cm of lengthening in a single surgery, the safety and feasibility of this approach depend on several factors and should be carefully evaluated by a qualified orthopedic surgeon.

      Maximum pushed limit with LON that the doctor can allow if everything is on track;
      Femurs: 9 – 9,5 cm
      Tibia: 7,5 cm

      Maximum pushed limit with Precice 2 that the doctor can allow if everything is on track;
      Femurs: 8 – 8,3 cm
      Tibia: 7 cm

      WBT – Medzonia.

    • Wanna Be Taller, April 4, 2024 @ 11:15 am Reply


      The amount of lengthening that can be safely achieved in a single surgery depends on various factors, such as the age and overall health of the patient, the location of the bone that needs to be lengthened, muscle flexibility, nerve durability and the surgical technique used.

      It's important to note that pushing the limits of safe lengthening can increase the risk of complications, such as nerve damage, joint stiffness, infection, muscle contracture, and bone healing problems. It's essential to consult with a qualified and experienced orthopedic surgeon who can assess your individual case and provide guidance on the safe and realistic limits of lengthening for you.

      Overall, while it may be possible to achieve up to 9-10 cm of lengthening in a single surgery, the safety and feasibility of this approach depend on several factors and should be carefully evaluated by a qualified orthopedic surgeon.

      Maximum pushed limit with LON that the doctor can allow if everything is on track;
      Femurs: 9 – 9,5 cm
      Tibia: 7,5 cm

      Maximum pushed limit with Precice 2 that the doctor can allow if everything is on track;
      Femurs: 8 – 8,3 cm
      Tibia: 7 cm

      WBT – Medzonia.

  • Daniel Bester, April 7, 2024 @ 1:05 pm Reply

    Dear doctor Yunus
    I'm a 53 year old man. I'm only 165 cm. How much would you charge for operation? How long will I have to spend in Istanbul? Will the price also include physiotherapy afterwards?

    • Wanna Be Taller, April 15, 2024 @ 11:26 am Reply

      Hello, detailed information will be sent to your email address. Regards, WBT – Medzonia.

  • Richard Haffner, April 12, 2024 @ 10:17 am Reply

    I'm 55, my weight is 240 lb, I'm 5 ft 5. I'm going to have a bone density test done with my primary doctor. My question is with my age and weight will I be able to get the full 8 cm out of my femur. I don't want to go through the procedure just for one or 2 inch and a half. Your thoughts please.

    • Wanna Be Taller, April 15, 2024 @ 11:26 am Reply

      Hello, for patients who are over 40 years old, our doctor requests AP X-ray from femurs or tibias depending on the desired segment to do lengthening and also bone density test results (DEXA). The aim is to evaluate the bone integrity and quality so that you can be found eligible to undergo this procedure. The amount of lengthening that can be safely achieved in a single surgery depends on various factors, such as the age and overall health of the patient, the location of the bone that needs to be lengthened, muscle flexibility, nerve durability and the surgical technique used.

      It's important to note that pushing the limits of safe lengthening can increase the risk of complications, such as nerve damage, joint stiffness, infection, muscle contracture, and bone healing problems. It's essential to consult with a qualified and experienced orthopedic surgeon who can assess your individual case and provide guidance on the safe and realistic limits of lengthening for you.

      Overall, while it may be possible to achieve up to 9-10 cm of lengthening in a single surgery, the safety and feasibility of this approach depend on several factors and should be carefully evaluated by a qualified orthopedic surgeon.

      Regards, WBT – Medzonia.

  • Strigaro Ignazio , August 13, 2024 @ 2:34 pm Reply

    Guten Tag, ich habe interesse an einer Verlängerung meiner Beine

    • Wanna Be Taller, November 22, 2024 @ 4:11 pm Reply

      Hallo, ich schicke Ihnen eine E-Mail mit den Einzelheiten des Verfahrens.

  • محمد, October 19, 2024 @ 6:23 pm Reply

    انا 158mنحب نعلج دكتور كم من نيوم نجي نعلاج دكتور حب نشوف صحتي جيدا

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