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Combined (LON) Method

The combined method (LON) works with two devices, an internal intramedullary nail that is attached to a mono-lateral type external fixator.
LON Method


‘LON’ stands for Lengthening Over Nails’, which literally means that the bones are distracted or lengthened with an internal nail; however the bones are lengthened using a mono-lateral type external fixator device...

  • External or Internal: Combined
  • Walking During Lengthening: 
  • External Fixator Usage: 3 months
  • Bone Healing: 6-9 months
  • Full Recovery: 9-12 months
  • Max. Height Gain: Tibia: 5-7cm / Femur: 8cm

22,850$ (Including Removal Surgery)

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Internal Methods

‘Precice 2’ and ‘Precice Stryde’ methods offer the most comfortable and safe limb lengthening experience available for patients worldwide.
Precice 2.2

Precice 2.2

‘Precice 2’ by the Nuvasive USA, offers a revolution in Limb Lengthening surgery; for almost all the history of limb lengthening surgeries; doctors...

  • External or Internal: Internal
  • Walking During Lengthening: X
  • External Fixator Usage: X
  • Bone Healing: 6-9 months
  • Full Recovery: 9-12 months
  • Max. Height Gain: Tibia: 5-7cm / Femur: 8cm


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Precice Stryde

Precice Stryde

‘Precice Stryde’ is the latest and most advanced limb lengthening system available anywhere in the world. Largely, the ‘Precice Stryde’ is a newer version...

  • External or Internal: Internal
  • Walking During Lengthening: 
  • External Fixator Usage: X
  • Bone Healing: 6-9 months
  • Full Recovery: 9-12 months
  • Max. Height Gain: Tibia: 5-7cm / Femur: 8cm

Not Available

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Nail Removal Surgery

Only internal device removal surgery is paid separately.
External Device Removal Surgery is included in the surgery cost.
Internal Device Removal Surgery Fee is 4,000 $
Note: Internal device removal surgery's fee may vary in the coming months depending on the rise of the currency.

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Martin 2024-04-08 11:41:40

Hello, I was wondering after succesful completion of femoral/tibial surgery would it be possible to reuse the same nails on the same bone for additional lengthening 1-1.5 years apart after healing? I am especially interested in precise for this case.


Wanna Be Taller - Makbule2024-04-15 14:03

Hello, intramedullary nails are for single use only. Therefore, old nails cannot be used in a second limb lengthening surgery. New nails will be inserted into the bone. Regards, WBT - Medzonia.

Mark 2024-01-31 13:14:32

Good morning, I wonder if you could provide pricing for surgery, ideally a height gain of around 8cm. I’d also be interested to understand how long I’d be unable to carry out my job as a plumber while going through this procedure.


Wanna Be Taller - Makbule2024-02-02 10:58

Hello, thanks for your comment. For physical jobs, the required time to be away is around 7-9 months. As the recovery phase is a delicate time, patients should be attentive not to neglect their physical therapy, exercises, and healthy nutrition intake. As to quotes, detailed info will be sent to your email address. Regards, WBT - Medzonia.

Ksans 2023-10-17 20:04:10

One year ago I had two limb lenghtening surgeries with LON method for femur and tibia, both by 6 cm. I was thinking if it\'s possible to do another round for femur and tibia, by 6 cm? The bones are healed and the nails haven\'t been removed yet. Is it possible and would it be safe in this case?


Wanna Be Taller - Makbule2023-10-26 14:56

Hello, we empathize with your desire for additional length, and our primary concern is your overall well-being. We recommend discussing your goals and concerns in-depth with an orthopedic surgeon, who can provide personalized advice based on your specific medical history and physical examination. Regards, WBT.

Jeremy 2023-07-22 17:25:09

Medically, what do you think, is it better to lenghten with longer or shorter legs? I mean I am 170 cm wanting to undergo this surgery, but legs make up around ~100 cm of my height. Does lenghtening already long legs increase the risk of complications or vice versa?


Wanna Be Taller - Makbule2023-07-24 11:37

Hello, Before the surgery, our contracted doctor examines the measurements of each segment and determines the most suitable lengthening amount for the patient by considering the tibia/femur ratio. As with any surgery, there are risks and complications involved in limb lengthening as well. After the surgery, if the patient stays within the safe lengthening limits, receives complete medical services, and periodically sends X-rays to update their current condition, potential complications can be minimized. if you are considering leg-lengthening surgery, we strongly advise you to schedule a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon who has experience in limb-lengthening procedures. They will be able to assess your situation, discuss potential risks and benefits, and provide you with the most appropriate advice based on your unique needs and goals. Regards, WBT.

Balagan 2023-07-16 17:49:06

Do you perform Combined tibia (up to 4cm) and femur (up to 4cm) lengthening, followed by re-breaking femur and tibia with same nail in place and repeating up to 4cm femur and up to 4cm tibia lengthening one year or more later to achieve maximum (16 cm) gain. If yes, what would be the cost?


Wanna Be Taller - Makbule2023-07-17 12:48

Hello, re-breaking the bones during the procedure is not always necessary and depends on the individual case and the desired lengthening goal. The decision to perform re-breaking would be made by the surgeon based on factors such as bone stability, healing progress, and overall patient health. Even though it is feasible except for using the same nail, our doctor does not approach doing it. He prefers two separate bilateral surgeries and wants patients to achieve the ideal height gain as safely as possible. Regards, WBT.

Alexander Muerjo 2023-07-07 23:08:28

What if you have slightly longer legs and/or slightly larger tibias/femurs, could that cause any additional complications or make any limits on the lenghtening amount?


Wanna Be Taller - Makbule2023-07-08 12:50

Hello, thanks for your comment. During the face-to-face consultation, the doctor discusses the body ratio and proportionality with patients over the X-ray images. Based on the measurements, he gives the estimated height increase that patients should achieve in order to keep the balance in proportion. Regards, WBT.

Ketevan 2023-07-01 16:05:36

Is it possible to lengthen 17 cm using precice?


Wanna Be Taller - Makbule2023-07-04 12:05

Hello, thanks for your comment. The amount of lengthening that can be safely achieved in a single surgery depends on various factors, such as the age and overall health of the patient, the location of the bone that needs to be lengthened, muscle flexibility, and the surgical technique used. Though it is technically possible to reach 17 cm by undergoing two separate surgeries, it is not recommended to exceed the safe limits, which are 8 cm for femurs and 7 cm fro tibias. Regards, WBT.

WannaBeTaller AI Assistant X

Hello, I am the world's first limb lengthening surgery assistant, created by the first limb lengthening facility in Turkey (Wanna Be Taller). Feel free to ask me anything about limb lengthening surgery.

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