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A Quick Comparison Of Limb Lengthening Methods

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This is a compilation of essential info about limb lengthening methods. We made this brief guideline for those who want to quickly compare all methods.


-lengthening begins after 4-5 days since operation

-lengthening takes 2-3 months (usually 1 mm/day. For example, 6 cm takes 2 months, and 7 cm takes 70 days) depending on lengthened amount

-external devices remain on legs till full consolidation of bones (additional 6-9 months depending on bone regeneration speed)

-total time spent in external devices: 9-12 months

-it is possible to walk during the entire period of fixation, although with difficulties and limitations

a quick comparison of limb lengthening methods x rayHolyfix is the cheapest among the limb lengthening surgery methods provided.


lengthening begins after 4-5 days since operation

-lengthening takes 2-3 months (usually 1 mm/day. For example, 6 cm takes 2 months, and 7 cm takes 70 days) depending on lengthened amount

-another 2-4 weeks pass before slight consolidation is visible on x-rays. Then external fixators are removed.

– 1-1.5 yrs (or less, if bone consolidation is fast) after externals are removed, intramedullary nails can also be removed because at this time the bone is fully consolidated

-it is possible to walk during the entire period of fixation, although with difficulties and limitations. After externals are removed, walking becomes a lot easier and patients are able to walk normally and live their daily life with the exception of doing sports (this will be possible after full consolidation)

a quick comparison of limb lengthening methods lon

Precice 2.2:

-lengthening begins after 4-5 days since operation

-lengthening takes 2-3 months (usually 1 mm/day. For example, 6 cm takes 2 months, and 7 cm takes 70 days) depending on lengthened amount

-patients have to use wheelchair during lengthening because internal nail mechanisms can be damaged if they bear weight

-after lengthening is over, patients can begin walking

-in 1-1.5 yrs from the surgery, the internal nails can be removed. They can be removed at a later time or be left inside the bones based on patient’s request. Precice nails are biomechanically designed and can remain inside the leg without causing discomfort. Also, they do not beep at security checks.

a quick comparison of limb lengthening methods precice

Precice Stryde

-lengthening begins after 4-5 days since operation

-lengthening takes 2-3 months depending on lengthened amount (usually 1 mm/day. For example, 6 cm takes 2 months, and 7 cm takes 70 days)

– unlike in previous version Precice 2.2, in Stryde method patients ARE ABLE TO WALK during lengthening (with some limitations due to pain). This helps earlier consolidation and regaining range of motion.

-after lengthening is over, walking improves significantly in matter of several days.

-in 1-1.5 yrs from the surgery, the internal nails can be removed. They can be removed at a later time or be left inside the bones based on patient’s request. Precice Stryde nails are biomechanically designed and can remain inside the leg without causing discomfort. Also, they do not beep at security checks.

Our Limb Lengthening Patients Image Compilation:

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